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IntCH AKC CH Wayside Goddess Of Freedom CTL3-S

Liberty wayside goddess of freedom top notch border collies

To see more pictures of Liberty please visit our fan page on facebook.

About Liberty


Where do I begin with Liberty. . . when she was just a puppy she had an independent streak. More curious about the world around her and what a handful. Thankfully that stage didn't last long. As soon as she matured a bit we bonded. Ever since then the world started revolving around me. Even when I shower she has to be on the bath mat. My constant shadow.


She loves people but I can tell you her real motive is to get them to throw a toy for her to retrieve. Its one of her favorite games along with tug o' war. Around other dogs she will pretend they don't exist. Not your typical dog to want to meet and greet. She thinks more along the lines of there's a dog, they all come with a person - that person has a throwing arm and I have a toy. She's a very intelligent girl who knows how to sucker her way into your heart and play you for a fool. 


With Liberty's strong desire to please, her playful nature, and enthusiasm with everything we do has lead her to be a well rounded dog. She excels in agility, frisbee and rally. She has shown amazing potential with herding. Obedience is not her forte due to her love for barking while working but she is very obedient and is one of my most trustworthy dogs. To this day she's never done anything wrong worth remembering. She obtained her International Championship no problem, and finish her AKC Championship in April 2015. 



Health records


Black and White SPAYED Female
Height: 18.5"
Weight: 40 lbs 

Ears: Natural - Forward tip

Bite: Full dentition 

OFA CHIC #199922

OFA Link

Hips: GOOD
Elbows: NORMAL
CERF: NORMAL as of 6/14/14

Colors: Produces Black & White.
Owner: Angela Efinger 
Breeder: Joan Lawson & Jean Freeman

Location: Spartanburg, SC USA
Registered: AKC



To see more videos of Liberty please visit our youtube page.

Liberty can be seen in the video above at 19 min in.


9/10 - 9/11/16 BCSA NATIONALS Saturday Liberty was entered in Brood

bitch and took 4th place! She was accompanied by her son Angus and

daughter Roza. On Sunday she was entered in Veteran Bitch (7-10yrs) where

she took 3rd place. My old girl still loves to show her heart out.  

9/6 - 9/8/16 BCSA NATIONALS  Tuesday through Thursday Liberty

competed in Agility. Unfortunately she didn't qualify in any runs. We are out

of practice so It's not unepected. Regardless we had a blast. Thursday she

and I competed in our first updog disc event which happened to be in the

pouring rain. I did not do well but Liberty made the best of my terrible throws. 

10/30 - 10/31/15 This Halloween weekend I entered Liberty in our first ever

USDAA Trial in West Palm Beach, FL. What prompted our trip here was

Liberty's daughter, Raven, was entered. This will be Ravens first every agility

show and we were happy to make the trip to support them. Liberty did very well qualifying in 6 out of 10 runs. Her results are as follows:


PI Gamblers / Score: 43 (Qualified) Time: 36.91 seconds 1st Place
PI Standard / NQ 
PI Snooker / Score: 40 (Qualified) Time: 33.83 seconds 1st Place
PI Jumpers / Distance: 141 yards SCT: 42 seconds Score: 0.00 (Qualified) Time: 24.73 seconds 1st Place


Performance Grand Prix / NQ Time: 55.36 seconds
PI Jumpers / Distance: 133 yards SCT: 39 seconds (Qualified) Time: 21.96 seconds 1st Place
Perf. Speed Jumping / NQ Score: 46.59 Time: 36.59 seconds 
PI Snooker / Score: 43 (Qualified) Time: 32.07 seconds 1st Place
PI Standard / Distance: 130 yards SCT: 63 seconds Score: 15.00 (NQ) Time: 39.13 seconds 3rd Place
PI Pairs / Partner: Raven and Kellie, Distance: 140 yards SCT: 69 seconds Score: 65.18 (Qualified) Time: 45.18 seconds


4/18/15 Libby took Winners bitch at the zolfo springs show on saturday earning her a 5 point major under judge Mrs. Arlene F. Benko. She is now officially an AKC Champion! Seeing as she finished today we pulled her Sunday to give our other two girls entered room for a win and my hands were too full to move her up to breed.


9/3 - 9/5/14 Libby earned her XF (Excellent FAST) title on wed's agility trial. Thur she gained her first leg in Masters FAST giving her 1 of the 10 legs needed for her MXF title in agility. You can view almost all of her 16 runs on YouTube. She did amazing with staying fast and on course. We just had an issue with taking on average 1-2 bars down each time. Going to work on this then start her up again in 2015. She hasn't done agility in a while with having litters of puppies so I was very proud of her regardless of a few bar issues. Then on Friday she had one entry in Rally Excellent B and earned her last leg earning her RE title! This week long competition was at the BCSA Nationals. 


6/23/14 Liberty had six beautiful puppies born today. The sire was Matty. Two males and four females. All black and white. This litter ended up needing colored collars due to the overall consistency among them. Such beautiful babies.

6/14/14 Today Libby came to the Tampa shows to have her CERF done which was Normal. She also did the CGC test and passed wtih flying colors and gave everyone a fun laugh to top it off. They had us tie a thick rope to the collar for the recall test and I left too much of a tab on the knot and she started playing with it like it was a toy on her recall. Had everyone including the evaluator in hysterics. Love this silly girl.
 We entered only one day this weekend at an obedience trial. Libby earned her 2nd leg in Rally Excellent B taking 3rd place. I'm very proud of her.


10/19/13 Liberty had her second litter today. Sire was Action. Two boys and four females. All black and white. Liberty did a fantastic job. She's a wonderful mother. 

9/14/13 We have done some flyball training in the past but unfortunately I haven't had the most experienced of trainers. This is a sport I've never competed in yet, and frankly don't know too much about, but hope to soon. After moving to the west coast of Florida I've found a nice training club with experienced instructors in flyball. Great to know they are continuing their education with seminars. As I take the class with Angus I'm also applying it to Liberty at home. We have found she is a Righty and currently working on our swimmers turn to prepare for the box. Curious to know who will be faster? Liberty or her son Angus? Only time will tell.

8/22 & 8/24/13 We drove over 10 hours to North Carolina to visit with family and have Liberty bred to Action. They had two successful live mating's and we'll hopefully know soon if she is pregnant and expecting her second litter of pups.  

6/13 - 6/16/13 I entered a 4 day agility trial in Arcadia, FL. Libby earned her 2nd leg in Excellent FAST and her 3rd leg in Open Standard earning her Open Standard (OA) title! Very proud of Libby considering we have been out of practice for so long and have not shown in agility since February 2012! It's been hard to find the time after giving birth to my son, but now that we know what we need to work on we look forward to our training and future shows together.

4/21/13 Libby competed in a 60 weave pole challenge. It was a lot of fun and we had no idea how she would do being we've only ever done 12 poles. She surprised us like always and came in third place with a time of 25 sec! we are so proud of her! We have added the video of her run below and it can also be found on our Youtube page.

10/12/12 Libby earned her RA Title with a 1st place then went on to earn her first leg in Excellent level with a 1st place as well! So proud of her! Not bad for having not trained in over 9 months! Talk about winging it!

6/15/12 Libby had her first litter of pups. 4 very healthy black and white males!

3/10/12 Libby earned her CD title (companion dog) in obedience and then went on to earn her 2nd leg in Rally Adv B!

3/2 - 3/3/12 Libby took Reserve to a major Fri & Sat and on Sat she earned her first Rally Adv. leg along with her official AKC Herding Instinct Certificate. To view video of her Instinct Test (IT) click here.

2/24/12 Libby took 1 / W / BW for 1pt. towards her CH in Tallahassee, FL. We are now at 11 points and needing one major.

1/21/12 Libby Qualified 4 out of 5 runs in CPE Agility today! She also earned her first CPE title finishing with the Jackpot. Now she shall carry the title CTL3-S!

1/8/12 Libby added 1 point toward her CH title by taking BOW today in Deland, FL. Total is now 10 points and 1 major. 1 more major to go and 5 more points total!


11/20/11 Libby earned her RN (Rally Novice B) title today with a score of 96/100

10/16/11 Libby added 2 pts toward her CH title by taking 1 / W / BW / OS today! Total is now 9 pts with one major. 

10/1 - 10/2/11 Liberty gained the IntCH title (International Championship) and the NatCH (National Championship) from the IABCA (International All Breed Canine Assoc. of America). She also took a "BOB" win and went on to win a Herding GROUP 2 !

9/24- 9/25/11 Liberty qualified in 6 out of 10 runs at her first CPE trial in level 3.

8/20-8/21/11 Liberty earned her second Nov. Obedience leg with a score of 184.5. She also earned her first two Nov. Rally-O legs! I'm so proud of her! She did great!

5/15/2011 Liberty earned her OF title (Open FAST) in agility today!

3/5/2011 Liberty's obedience debut she earned her first leg towards her CD title!

3/3/2011 Liberty won a 4pt Major which is also her first major towards her CH title! 

2/25 - 2/27/2011 Liberty earned three novice agility titles (NA= Novice Std, NF = Novice FAST, and NAJ = Novice JWW) this weekend. She qualified in 6 out of 9 runs. We now have 1 leg in Open FAST and 1 leg in Open Standard.

2/12 - 2/13/2011 Libby's agility debut she Qualified 5 out of 5 runs. Earning two legs in JWW, one leg in FAST and two legs in Standard. A great start to her agility career!


9/2010 Liberty earned her HIC (herding instinct certification). 

5/2/10 Liberty took "OS" in vero beach, earning her 1pt towards her AKC Championship making the total now 3pts.

4/10 - 4/11/2010 Liberty took "OS" on Sat. and on Sun she took "BOB" over an AOM male special! She also was awarded on Sun. Best Puppy in Breed. The weekend show in Elkton, FL earned her, her first two points towards her AKC Championship. 



4th place brood bitch 2016 BCSA Nationals top notch border collies liberty angus roza
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