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Top Notch Border Collies is committed to breeding practices that will preserve the working ability and health of our breed. Both the sire and dam of each litter are tested for disorders that may disproportionately affect the Border Collie. Dogs and bitches are not bred unless they're two years of age, are in general overall good health, posses a high level of intelligence, certified free from hereditary eye defects and hip dysplasia, of good sound temperament and with sound structure and bite. Dogs that are carriers for any disorder will not be bred together, or bred to affected dogs. However, it is acceptable for a carrier (or an affected dog) to be bred to a dog that is clear for the disorder (ensuring that no pups will be affected). Dogs are screened for both common and uncommon genetic diseases associated with our breed. In the last 20 years, the amount of health testing available for our breed has greatly increased. I have been electing to test for each one as they become available. Below is a list of the current tests (as of April 2020) that we screen our breeding dogs for (or plan to do in the very near future). 

Each test listed below is a link to learn more. Just click on it to view more information.

OFA Hips - Hip Dysplasia

OFA Elbows - Elbow Dysplsia / polygenic disease

OFA Shoulders - Osteochondrosis (aka OCD)

OFA Patellas - Patellar Luxation

CAER - Eye test 

Dentition - Certification of full dentition

BAER - Hearing test

EAOD - Early Adult Onset Deafness

DMS - Dermatomyositis


SN - Sensory Neuropathy

PLL - Primary Lens Luxation

DM - Degenerative Myelopathy

MDR1Multidrug Resistance 1

CN - Canine Cyclic Neutropenia 

DH - Dental Hypomineralization

TNSTrapped Neutrophil Syndrome

Cardiac - Checks for heart abnormalities (murmurs)

B12 aka I-GS - Cobalamin malabsorption 

NCL5 - Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis 5

CEA/CH - Collie Eye Anomaly / Choroidal hypoplasia

MH - Malignant Hyperthermia

BCG - Goniodysgenesis (aka Glaucoma)

HC - Hereditary Cataracts 

MC - Myotonia Congenita

C Type II-A - Cystinuria

My wish for our puppy's is for them to live a long, healthy, happy and active life. I encourage everyone to utilize what is so special about this breed - It’s versatility and its extreme intelligence. I encourage conformation homes to expand into performance and for our companion homes to do the same. Participating in performance events (herding, obedience, agility, Flyball, etc.) are rewarding both for you and the dog. It builds character, builds a stronger bond and best of all is fun!

I breed no more than 1 - 2 litters a year. I have dedicated my life to educating myself in every aspect of the breed by participating in health survey's, donating samples and money for health research, joining our parent club, educating myself and mentoring others on the issues of over vaccination and the benefits of a raw food diet. I closely observe dogs on the move in the show ring, during performance events and in the field herding. I enjoy the study of the border collies anatomy and the cause and affect structure has on the dog's movement while working. I may be only a hobby breeder but I take it very seriously and care about each and every puppy produced. 


My full time career is working as a professional dog trainer. I carry the CPDT-KA and ABCDT dog training certifications. I teach group classes, private training, run a day school training program and more. I'm the head trainer for a chain of 5-star pet resorts and own my own training business on the side. Needless to say I love my job. We cater to pet homes but also to individuals who want to compete in various different sporting events. Individuals who purchase a puppy from Top Notch Border Collies will receive free training advise for life and discounted pricing on certain classes. We also offer free pet sitting to anyone who owns one of our puppy's. 

Anyone, regardless if you have purchased one of my puppies or not, are welcome to join me at shows. I'm happy to mentor children or adults so long as they're willing to learn and participate. I'm available for all areas of performance that I currently participate in as well as grooming and showing in conformation. 

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Anchor 1

Puppy raising

Puppies are born in my home and are under constant supervision. I share videos and pictures on a daily/weekly basis using Facebook. Weights are taken daily/weekly on each puppy to monitor their health along with twice daily cleaning and sanitizing of their environment. 

In order to promote early bonding with humans we handle and snuggle them daily as well as expose them to children on a regular basis. Starting from day one, the puppies receive early neurological stimulation. I then begin desensitizing the puppies to all kinds of handling like cradling, touching of the ears, feet, toes and tail. Brushing and nail trims are performed on a weekly basis. Once the puppy’s eyes and ears are open around 10-14 days, sound effects CD’s are played daily to get the puppies use to every day noises (including sounds heard at dog shows).


Once they become mobile they are given the opportunity to explore the outdoors and play with new toys designed to enhance balance, curiosity, bravery and exploration. This helps a puppy to overcome fears by building confidence. Such toys are wobble boards, rocker boards, tarps, tunnels, bells, etc. I utilize the well known Puppy Culture protocol up until they leave at 8 weeks of age.


At 6 weeks we throw a puppy party. Everyone on the waiting list is invited to come out and play with the puppy's and enjoy a healthy homemade lunch.

Once the pup's are weened they're fed an all natural raw meat diet in order to promote optimum health. We feed ground raw meat, bone and organs. In addition they receive a huge variety of steamed fresh veggies, ripened fruits, berries and natural supplements like turmeric root and coconut oil. We even provide a variety of fresh or frozen fish, kefir and eggs. I encourage potential puppy buyers to continue with feeding raw throughout their life although it is not required. If you need any information on raw feeding please contact us at anytime to learn more. 


Contrary to most breeders, I do NOT remove the front due claws on my puppies. My reasons why are best explained in this article “With A Flick Of The Wrist” by Chris Zink, DVM, PhD sports veterinarian. Removal of front due claws is not a fault in the breed ring. Did you know your dog can't even show in some other countries if the due claws have been removed? It can lead to injuries in performance events and they may develop arthritis. Tradition is no reason to cause your dog pain.

I believe in vaccinating our puppies but do not recommend over vaccination. We urge you to do your research into minimal vaccination protocols for you companion. Our puppies are vaccinated at 8 weeks prior to going to their new homes. We urge you to consider only giving the 3 year vaccines once applicable. To learn more about vaccines we suggest starting with Dr. Schultz's studies. I highly recommend you also research titer testing to assure your pet is protected and avoid unnecessary over vaccination. 


Prior to departure each puppy will obtain a health certificate from a veterinarian. This includes a thorough exam, first vaccines and are checked for parasites. During the exam our veterinarian is diligent about checking eyes, heart, joints, testicles, ears, teeth, skin condition, etc. They will also have a microchip implanted. This comes with a pre-paid lifetime membership with the AKC Reunite program. 

All of our puppy owners will receive a puppy pack consisting of treats, toys, food, digital copies of all your puppies pictures and videos from birth to 8 weeks, a contract, temperament test results and more.

Purchasing information

Please note that ALL prospective homes will be sold on a co-ownership indefinitely. We require that all puppies NOT be spayed or neutered until a minimum age of 2 years to allow sufficient time for the body to fully develop unless otherwise directed by your breeder or a medical reason dictates it as a necessity. One of the many reasons being that dogs lose the hormones necessary for healthy development when altered too early. In a rare circumstance, I as the co-owner have the right to ask you to spay or neuter earlier. Example you bring another dog into the home who has known health issues so we will ask you to fix the dog to avoid any accidents. Another example is if your puppy is known for escaping and running loose. 

ALL puppies sold as a conformation, breeding, performance and/or companion prospect whether with or without intentions of breeding, will be sold on limited registration and be co-owned by the breeder, Angela Efinger. Breeder will pay to switch registration over from limited to full only once the owner has proven themselves responsible and dedicated to the breed and has taken the steps to prepare for showing it in conformation. 


All dogs sold regardless of purpose will be co-owned for the purpose of having a place to always return to if ever needed. The dog is never to be resold or turned over to a shelter. Breeder has the right of first refusal. One we never plan to refuse! 


Please read this article to learn more on why we suggest not altering the dog prior to 2 years of age: Chris Zink, DVM, PhD, DACVP, DACVSMR. 


Co-ownership agreements differ based on the individual and purpose when dealing with breeding. Its never our intent to control but instead ensure proper responsible breeding practices. Anyone who has never bred a litter before but wish to start out with one of our dogs as their foundation are expected to be open to mentoring. My door is always open to those hungry for knowledge! For a copy of my contract please email me.

I require everyone to fill out a TOP NOTCH BORDER COLLIES QUESTIONNAIRE.

After filling out the puppy questionnaire I will review it and place you on our waiting list. I require references so please do not leave this part blank. Our waiting list is not based on a first come first serve basis. Not until sometime between 7-8 weeks of age will I have an idea as to what puppy would be best suited for each buyer. Just because you make the waiting list does not grantee you will be offered a puppy from the current litter.


Please take note that as the breeder I get first priority of pick puppy of any and all litters. I breed first and foremost for myself. We base the placement decision on the information provided by you in terms of color, gender and temperament preferences, along with any job the puppy is intended for such as future conformation, breeding, service work, performance or just a companion. I then choose the puppy best suited for you after examining their structure, temperament and personality. So please, if at all possible try and refrain from becoming too attached to a particular puppy until one is promised to you. If you are looking for a breeder who allows you to pick your own puppy please look elsewhere. This is not how we do things here. We will also not sell two puppies from the same litter. Raising litter mates is asking for trouble. 


I feel so strongly about our selection process that we do not require a deposit unless for some reason you require us to hold on to the puppy past 8 weeks of age. For example, if the puppy is being exported and requires a rabies vaccine at 16 weeks prior to shipping or if you are vacationing prior to taking on your new addition. In some cases I may require additional boarding and training compensation when holding past 8 weeks of age.



I do not price our puppy's by gender, purpose or by color. You are paying for a high quality pup from a responsible breeder who health screens the parents. Not everyone is aware of the cost that is associated with responsible breeding practices. Our cost just to bring your puppy into the world consists of stud fees ($1,500 and up), collection-shipping-insemination fees ($350-1,300), travel fees for breeding (gas, food and hotel), health certifications on the dam ($400-800), veterinarian visits, c-sections ($1,000-2,000) if applicable, puppy pack ($100+), puppy health certificates ($50+/per puppy), vaccines, dewormer, time off from work (loss of income), AKC registration fees, micro-chipping, AKC Reunite program fee, cleaning supplies, new enrichment toys and for time and money spent raising and caring for the puppy. Raising a litter using the puppy culture protocol is no easy task. Its time consuming and exhausting but I do it anyway because I wholeheartedly want the best for each and every puppy.

This prices does NOT cover the cost of shipping or other expenses associated with shipping. Certification for exporting to another country is an additional fee. I do not export to Asia, no exceptions!

  All puppies are sold for $2,500  

If shipping a puppy or flying in to pick up your puppy: 

You can fly into either Greer, SC or Charlotte, NC international airport. There are also several smaller airports located in Greenville and Spartanburg, SC. All puppy buyers are welcome to stay as my guest in my home when picking up their puppy. You can then meet the dam (meeting the sire depends on who our dam was bred to) in person and play with your puppy before heading back home. This is your choice if you so choose to take it. My only requirement is that you schedule this in advance because if I were to have more than two different puppy buyers fly in on the same day you will need to find a hotel as I can only comfortably accommodate two guests. If flying in and flying out the same day I can drop the puppy off to you at the airport. If staying the night I will gladly provide a ride to and from the airport on account you pay for the gas expense. 

The closest international airport to my home is in Greer, SC called Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport (23 minutes). Second closest is Charlotte, NC called Charlotte Douglas International Airport  (70 minutes). There are several other smaller airports in the Greenville and Spartanburg area to choose from was well. 

All puppies purchased from Top Notch Border Collies will have to sign a contract. In it states that in the future, if for any reason at all you are unable or unwilling to care for your dog, that you must return it to me, the breeder. If I discover that you've sold your puppy to a third party, placed in a shelter or abused your puppy in any way, you will be fined and prosecuted for breaching the contract agreement, which was to return the puppy if no longer able to care for your dog. This is to ensure that all puppies sold at Top Notch Border Collies remain out of shelters and in good homes. 

For a copy of our contract please contact us.

Top Notch Border Collies

Boiling Springs, SC 29316

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