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What is Co-ownership?   
   Co-ownership of dogs is a popular arrangement with many breeders who wish to 
         a.) retain some control over the showing and breeding of the puppies they produce. 
         b.) recognition desired through adding his/her name to the list of owners.
         c.) A legal hold in order to protect the dog if ever in need paired with a contract signed by both parties. 

There are virtually no restrictions, under the law or the AKC Rules, as to the specifics of the contract that co-owners can make in dividing up the duties and benefits of dog co-ownership. They are free to decide among themselves how to divide up the various rights and responsibilities (such as housing the dog, financing its health care and show career, choosing breeding partners and placing the offspring etc.).

Why we at Top Notch Border Collies co-own all of our dogs?
I use the co-ownership if it involves a conformation dog that I'm helping to show and breeding is involved. Nothing is left for assumptions and a contract is signed with any changes always being obtained in writing. 

Lately with all the chaos going on with people buying dog's only to stud them out on craigslist, or breed for money without even doing health testing, and even people re-homing or dropping the dogs off at shelters, I'm now requiring all buyers to co-own the dog with me (conformation, breeding, performance and companion homes). 

If your buying a dog for only performance or pet I will not be using the co-ownership for any other reason than to have a legal means to take that animal back if ever sold to a third party, dropped off at a shelter, or bred w/o my permission (on a second offence.) I have a contract reflecting this protecting your rights. I have no interest with interfering with someone else's dog and how they raise or train them, however I will take action if the dog is in dire stress or abandoned. Its my way of keeping every dog I produce out of shelters and prevent unhealthy breeding practices. I personally register each dog with AKC and enroll them in the AKC reunite program (Microchip) at my expense.

For a copy of our contract please contact us.

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