Top Notch Light Up The Night

To see more pictures of Pyro please visit our fan page on facebook.

AKC National Championships. Award of excellence

About Pyro
Pyro is a very handsome dog. His movement is hands down one of his strongest qualities. He's a fearless dog, has a really great personality and he's not soft but rather undeterred and strong willed when it comes to work and play. His head piece is beautiful and expressive. He is very driven when herding sheep and shows great potential. He earned his herding started title in December of 2020.
In just 3 shows in little over a 1 month period he earned his AKC Championship. He accumulated 3 major wins, one of which was at the Herding Specialty in Tampa where he took Best of Winners. Later that same year, at only 17 months of age, they attended the AKC National Championships where they earned an Award of Excellence in a large group of specials. Exclusively handled by his owner Savannah Lay. Soon afterward he earned his AKC Grand Championship followed by his UKC Championship where he also won Reserve Best in Show! At only 23 months of age he earned his AKC Bronze level Grand Championship and by 27 months his AKC Silver Grand Championship. This team made the Top 10 in 2020 and competed at Westminster in New York City where they made the cut. I'm so proud of this team.
Pyro has started competing in lure coursing, Rally, Herding and in 2022 began with agility. This boy is truly an all around dog with a personality to die for.

2018 BOW & 4 pt Major at the Herding Specialty hosted by the Sunshine State Herding Group Association.
2018 AKC National Championship earned an Award Of Excellence.
UKC Champion in two weekends
2019 UKC Reserve Best in Show
2019 Select & New Bronze level GCH at the Herding Specialty in Tampa, FL
#8 Breed, #10 All Breed as of October 31st, 2019
Herding Group 4 in Mississippi for his first group placement on 9/15/19
Herding Group 2 in Atlanta, GA 10/18/19
Herding Group 2 in Plant City, FL 10/27/19
Herding Group 3 in Ocala, FL 11/1/19
Made the cut at Westminster in New York, NY 2/9/20
2023 BCCNC Specialty BOS winner Show#1
2023 Herding Titled BOB with Group 3 Placement.
Oct 2023 GROUP WINNER taking a Herding Group 1, 2 and 4 in one weekend!
2024 BOS Herding Specialty SSHGA in Orlando, FL
Health records
Black and White Male
DOB: 07/17/17
Height: 19"
Weight: 38 lbs
Ears: 1/4 tipped and even in set
Bite: Full Dentition
Elbows: OFA Normal
Shoulder: OFA Normal
Patellas: OFA Normal
Spine: OFA Normal
CEA/CH: Clear
TNS: Clear
SN: Clear
CAER: Normal as of 1/20/2024
EAOD: Carrier
MDR1: Normal
Thyroid: OFA Normal
NCL5: Normal
Glaucoma: n/n Clear
Cardiac (Auscultation): Normal
Cobalamin malabsorption (B12 aka I-GS): Normal
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM): Normal
AKC DNA Profile: V896492
OFA CHIC#: 167320
Colors produced: Produces Blk & Wht & Tri
Owner: Savannah Lay (FlyBy Border Collies)
Co-owner: Angela Efinger
Breeder: Angela Efinger
Location: Lakeland, FL USA
Nickname at Birth: Royale
Registered: AKC, UKC


To see more videos of Pyro please visit our youtube page.
6/19/22 Today Pyro earned the JHD Herding Title and was handled by Matthew Twitty. We are so thrilled!
11/28/20 Today Pyro became the first Top Notch dog to ever earn a Herding Title! To say we are proud is beyond measure. Congratulations to Savannah and Pyro for going 3/3 to earn your Herding Started title HSAs!
2/9/20 Today was the big day. Savannah handled Pyro on the big green carpet at Westminster in New York City. He showed beautifully. He had his whole cheering squad at the side lines. He didn't win but he made the first cut and showed his heart out. I can't wait to see what his future holds once he's had time to mature.
11/1/19 - 11/3/19 BOB each day and a Herding Group 3 placement on Friday at the Ocala, FL show.
10/26 - 10/27/19 In Plant City, FL Pyro took BOB both days and on Sunday he took a Herding Group 2 under Judge Nancy Bodine.
10/18/19 Pyro took BOB in a large entry of Border Collies then went on to win a Herding Group 2! In addition he also finished his Silver Grand Championship title (GCHS) at only 27 months of age. This is only 4 months after he earned his Bronze level! This boy is on fire!
9/20/19 Herding PT Test proved successful. Pyro was entered in one round earning his one of the two legs needed for the PT Certification.
9/12 - 9/15/19 The four day show in Mississippi was a good one. Pyro won the breed all 4 days and took home his first group placement! He earned a Herding Group 4. This week he earned a total of 20 more GCH points. He's now at 178/200 points. Only 22 more till he earns his Silver GCH.
6/15/19 Pyro was entered a full week for the Tampa Cluster. Today in particular was the herding specialty. This is the same specialty he earned his Championship a year prior. This year he took Select Dog and earned his Bronze level Grand Championship. The following day on Sunday he earned BOB.
2/2 - 2/3/19 Today Pyro was shown at his second UKC show. He took Breed all four shows earning the UKC Champion title. He also ended the day with a Reserve Best in Show win!
1/10 - 1/14/2019 Pyro was entered every day the first week at the Brooksville, FL cluster. In a large entry of specials there was no love on Thur but Friday he took Select Dog for 5 GCH Points, Saturday he won BOB for another 5 GCH points and earned the GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE! Sunday he went Select Dog for 5 point.
12/16/18 At only 17 months of age, Pyro earned an Award of Excellence at the 2018 AKC National Championships in Orlando. We are so thrilled he received this award.
7/26 - 7/29/18 Thur Pyro took Winners dog for 1 point, Friday he earned Best of Winners for a 3 point major, then on Sunday he earned Best of Winners again for his 3rd major win and became a NEW AKC CHAMPION!!
7/14/18 Pyro earned Best of Winners today at the West Palm Beach show earning him 2 points toward his Championship.
6/13 - 6/17/18 The Tampa Cluster proved to be a very successful week of showing. Wednesday Pyro took Reserve, Thursday he won BOW for his 1st CH point. Friday he took WD for 1 CH point. Saturday AB show he earned Best Puppy, and at the Herding Specialty went Best of Winners for a 4 point major! Sunday he took WD for 1 CH point. in total he earned 7 points and 1 major his first week out. What a great start to his show career.
10/20/17 Today Pyro goes to live with his new owner Savannah. Can't wait to see how this little guy matures.