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Draco top notch optimus prime top notch border collies

To see more pictures of Draco please visit our fan page on facebook  

or follow him on Instagram at: @bordercolliedraco

About Draco


Draco is a beautiful boy. He has his mothers beautiful head and his fathers build. He is one of our more high drive dogs with endless amounts of energy. His owner Kristina and her husband have exceeded my expectations when it comes to Draco's training. They are actively pursuing dock diving, conformation, barn hunting and herding. He has a love for frisbee's and retrieving. I always enjoy watching the video's of Draco doing the border collie crouch and stalk. He's a beautiful sight to behold. 




Health records


Black and White Male

Height: 21"
Weight: 40 lbs 

Ears: Natural - Forward tipped

Bite: Full dentition 


CAER: Normal

CEA/CH: Clear by parentage
CL: Clear by parentage

Owner: Kristina McKenzie

Co-Owner: Angela Efinger
Breeder: Angela Efinger

Location: St. Petersburg, FL USA

Nickname at birth: Draco
Registered: AKC



To see more videos of Draco please visit his youtube page.


2/20 - 2/21/16 This weekend Draco went to a herding trial where he earned his herding Instinct Test (IT) Certification. Way to go Draco :)


12/11/15 (Eukanuba Pre-shows FRIDAY- Herding Specialty) Today was an amazing day! Draco debut this week in AKC Conformation. He was entered in the Herding Specialty hosted by the Sunshine State Herding Group Association. He showed so well for me and ended up taking Winners Dog for 1 point towards his AKC Championship out of the Bred-By Class beating two other dogs including his half brother. Thanks goes to Judge Ms. Joanne N. Paulk. She had many nice things to say about Draco. 


12/5/15: Draco was entered at his Second UKC Trial. He earned more points toward his UKC Championship by taking BOB and a group 4. 


11/28/15: Draco debut today in UKC Conformation by taking BOB and a Group 4. Way to go Kristina and Draco!


11/21/15: Today Draco went one day to a Lure Coursing event. He ran twice. His first run he earned his first of three legs needed toward his CA (Coursing Ability) Title. Unfortunately the heavens opened up and rained on their second run ruining his performance. 


09/26/15 Draco earned his ITD (Intermediate Trick Dog) Title today.


09/14/14 Draco earned his CGC title today.


08/23/14 Draco went to his third dock diving lesson. You can view his videos on his youtube page. He's doing such a great job and loves the water. His owners do such a great job with him.


04/19/14 Draco turned 6 months today and was entered at his first show and took reserve saturday but was DQ Sunday or nipping at the judge in fear. His owners have decided that conformation will be put on the back burner till he matures. In the meantime he will be having fun in other areas like dock diving and herding. Two areas he excel's in and enjoys.


03/03/14 Draco earned his AKC S.T.A.R puppy certificate today. What a good puppy!

12/20/13 Draco left to start his new life in St. Petersburg, FL.



Top Notch Border Collies

Boiling Springs, SC 29316

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